"IN SINCRO - International Training for Dancers and Social Innovation" is a social innovation project funded by the National Agency Indire - Erasmus+ that involves in partnership AlphaZTL Compagnia d'Arte Dinamica and FES Fundación Escuela de Solidaridad from Granada, Spain, both associations active in the field of performing arts applied in contexts of social inclusion.
The project consists of Training for professional dancers and artists together with semi-professionals from disadvantaged backgrounds, both in Italy and Spain. The trainings are held by experienced choreographers from their respective backgrounds and are aimed at transmitting to the participants, professional and non-professional dancers, new skills and knowledge useful for the development of their future artistic careers, experimenting with new techniques to make dance an effective tool for social inclusion. The training courses conclude with a co-creation and production phase of two final performances imprinted with current social issues.
The two co-productions debuted in 2023 at the two festivals organized by FES and AlphaZTL, respectively:
- The Krearte Festival in Granada
- The Brindisi Performing Arts Festival
With this project the collaboration between the two realities of Brindisi and Granada was strengthened, aspiring to attract and involve other European realities active in the field of performing arts as a tool for social inclusion.
The first training and co-production took place in Granada from April 17 to May 14 at the headquarters of the Fundación Escuela de Solidaridad involving young migrants residing there, other young foreigners "without protection" in precarious social and housing conditions, and other international artists and volunteers; the artistic residency of the choreographer Valentia Elia of the Italian company AlphaZTL finally allowed the creation of a live performance performed in May during the Festival KreArTe in Granada entitled (A)Social Dance.
The training in Italy took place inside the Casa Circondariale, where a group of nine guests of the penitentiary institution and an amateur dancer authorized to enter from the outside enthusiastically learn the techniques of Choreographic Art. The teachers are the dancers and choreographers of the AlphaZTL Dynamic Art Company, assisted by a videomaker, a scriptwriting and communication expert, and with the additional contribution of a Spanish choreographer from the Fundaciòn of Granada, who intervened to enrich both the training and artistic production phases with techniques and content. The young dancers of the ALPHAZTL company are included by the more experienced teachers in the teaching activities aimed at the group of apprentice dancers, who, in turn, are active participants in the entire creative process of producing the final show, from the elaboration of the idea to the definition of the choreography, from the setting of the script to the choice of texts and music, collaborating together in the experimentation of a shared path of training and social innovation.
The show in production is titled "INTO-SPETTRI-VA" and will debut on August 30 as part of the Brindisi Performing Arts Festival IV Edition 2023.
In this article "Teaching Dance inside a Prison: An empowering opportunity for both Trainers and Learners" published in EPALE we discuss the results and impact of a contemporary dance course held inside an Italian men's prison on both the dancer teachers and the participating inmates.
See here the photo-gallery INSINCRO inside the Brindisi Prison.
Watch here the documentary narrating the conduction of the international training for dancers and social innovation IN SINCRO inside the Brindisi prison.
Report of the interregional TV station AntennaSUD (Puglia, Basilicata) on "IN SINCRO - International training for dancers and social innovation"
See here the photo-gallery INSINCRO in Granada.
IN SINCRO - Granada
IN SINCRO - Granada