

The psychiatric offenders who were guests of the REMS (Residence for the execution of prison security measures) in Carovigno (BR), followed a path that saw them confronting the movement of the body and the visual arts, drawing inspiration from the performances by the famous French artist Yves Klein.

With contemporary dance, tango, theatre and juggling, the guests / artists were invited to express through the signs and colours, all the sensations received during the workshop lessons; the result was a series of paintings with the amazing result DANCING MURALES, rich in content and emotions that come straight to the observer. "Dancing", because the works will be exhibited in various contemporary art exhibitions.

The project was carried out by the AlphaZTL Compagnia d’Arte Dinamica with the direction of the choreographer Vito Alfarano through the laboratory BEYOND THE BOUNDARIES, a path of training, knowledge, awareness and production carried out in particular social contexts. The main objective of the project is to rediscover and recognize oneself through the study and practice of theatrical languages, writing, movement and musicality following a specific training path.

Social art, guided by a correct artistic methodology, creates those premises and stimuli for self-analysis, enriching the enhancement of the person.

The teachers involved were Vito Alfarano and Alberto Cacopardi for contemporary dance, Ilaria Caravaglio for Argentine Tango, Giovanni Di Lonardo for theater, Gabriele Cagnazzo for juggling. Dario Discanno's shots captured the most exciting moments of the laboratory and the images of PUNES video productions described the activity carried out through a documentary.

The project was carried out thanks to the financial contribution of Piero Rossi, Guarantor of the rights of people subjected to measures restricting freedom of the Puglia Region and to the will of the Director of REMS Antonio Frascaro.

AlphaZTL Production Compagnia d'Arte Dinamica

Shooting and editing Punes

With the economic support of the Guarantor of the rights of persons subjected to measures restricting freedom of the Regione Puglia.


23 October 2020


Art and Social, Documentaries

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